Utah Auto Insurance
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In 2001, Utah saw 52,704 motor vehicle crashes on its roads and highways. These accidents resulted in over 29 thousand injuries and 292 deaths. The good news is, between 2000 and 2001, the vehicle crash rate decreased 5 percent, the injury crash rate decreased by 5 percent, and the fatal crash rate decreased by 20 percent. Most Utah automobile accidents occurred in urban areas (72.7 percent), while most fatal crashes occurred in rural areas (48.7 percent). Rural crashes were 3 times more likely to result in death than other accidents. Of all Utah crashes in 2001, the leading causes were: rear end collision (29.1 percent), broadside (21.9 percent) and side swipe (6.7 percent). Of all fatal Utah crashes, the leading causes were: single vehicle rollover (34 percent), head on collision (14.3 percent), and accidents involving pedestrians or bike riders (12.7 percent). The leading violations responsible for all crashes were failure to yield right of way, improper lookout and speeding. The leading violations responsible for fatal crashes were vehicular homicide, driving under the influence and speeding.
Acting responsibly while driving can decrease your chances of being involved in an accident. The first step in being a responsible motorist is obtaining the proper Utah auto insurance coverage. Utah auto insurance requirements include the following: liability coverage (25/50/15); personal injury protection; and uninsured motorist coverage. Optional auto insurance in Utah includes collision coverage and comprehensive coverage. Utah auto insurance regulations are strictly enforced. At all times, you must carry a proof of insurance card issued by your insurance company. You do not need to prove insurance at the time you register your vehicle. Utah auto insurance verification is accomplished through its statewide database. The database cross-references active insurance policies with vehicle registrations to ensure that all vehicles are covered. If you do not maintain the proper insurance, you will be charged a $400 fine upon your first offense. Neglecting to insure your vehicle is considered a Class B misdemeanor. Violators will be prosecuted and potentially lose their driving privileges. Don't take your chances. Compare free quotes online to find the Utah auto insurance coverage you need.