Oklahoma Auto Insurance
Even for a particular level of coverage, Oklahoma auto insurance rates can vary substantially depending on the insurance provider. We encourage you to get auto insurance quotes from more than one OK auto insurance company to make sure you're getting the best rate.
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Taking a few moments to compare Oklahoma auto insurance quotes can save you time and money while shopping for coverage.
As of 2006, the State of Oklahoma had a population of approximately $3.5 million, an area of 69.9 thousand square miles, 113 thousand miles of roadway, 3.8 million registered vehicles, 2.7 million registered automobiles, 96.6 registered motorcycles, and 2.4 million licensed drivers. In 2006, approximately 47.5 billion vehicle miles were traveled in the state. There were 75,408 crashes reported in Oklahoma in 2006. This is less than a 1 percent decrease from the previous year, which saw 75,511 crashes. Of the Oklahoma auto accidents in 2006, there were 668 fatal crashes, resulting in 765 fatalities. Both fatal crashes and the number of fatalities decreased from 2005 to 2006. Fatal crashes decreased at a rate of 5.2 percent, while fatalities decreased 4.3 percent. There were 27,087 injury crashes in 2006, compared to 27,204 in 2005. This change represents a decrease of less than 1 percent. While Oklahoma strives to improve safety on its roadways, the best thing you can do to reduce the likelihood of an accident is employ safe driving practices while behind the wheel. Additionally, you should always be prepared by obtaining Oklahoma auto insurance that will cover your expenses should you be involved in an accident.
Oklahoma law states that all vehicle owners and drivers must carry a minimum amount of liability insurance. Every registered vehicle in the state should have at least $25,000 for injury or death of one person, $50,000 for injury or death of more than one person, and $25,000 in property damage coverage. Not only do you need to maintain this insurance, but you need to carry proof of it at all times when you are in your vehicle. If you cannot provide evidence of insurance when it is requested by a law enforcement officer or a Department of Public Safety representative, you may be charged a $250 fine, be sentenced to 30 days in jail, or both. The penalties don't end here. You could also have your license and vehicle registration suspended if you are convicted for non-compliance with the Compulsory Insurance Law, or if you cannot prove that you have a valid Oklahoma insurance policy when confronted by a law enforcement officer. You also need to carry proof of insurance to share with another driver if and when you are involved in an accident. It is important to familiarize yourself with the Oklahoma auto insurance laws and penalties, but the best way to avoid these hassles is to carry auto insurance at all times.