North Dakota Auto Insurance
North Dakota
Our no obligation auto insurance quotes are provided free of charge to help you choose a North Dakota car insurance policy.
Some ND auto insurance companies may have drastically lower rates than others, even for the same amount of coverage. We hope you find our side by side comparisons helpful in selecting coverage.
Shopping for insurance doesn't have to be a hassle. Our services are designed to help you make a decision without a lot of confusion.
North Dakota auto insurance regulations call for a large amount of liability insurance for all vehicle owners. According to North Dakota Century Code 39-08-20, it is illegal to have a registered vehicle that does not meet the minimum requirements specified by the state. To satisfy these requirements, your vehicle needs to have the following coverage: $25,000 for bodily injury or death of one person per accident, $50,000 for bodily injury or death of two persons per accident; $25,000 damage to another person's property per accident; $25,000/$50,000 uninsured motorist coverage; $25,000/$50,000 underinsured motorist coverage; $30,000 basic no fault personal injury protection. If you are caught driving without insurance once, you will have to pay a $150 fine, and will be subject to a penalty of 6 to 12 points put on your driving record. If you are caught for any insurance violations within 18 months of your first offense, you will have to pay a $300 fine and have an additional 6 to 12 points tacked on to your license. You will be obligated to provide proof to the State of North Dakota that you are maintaining insurance for the next 3 years. If you fail to prove this at any time, your license will be immediately suspended. You will also be required to surrender your driver's license and acquire a duplicate license (at a cost of $50) that includes a notation indicating that you are required to provide proof of insurance.
The North Dakota Department of Transportation works hard to ensure the safety of everyone travelling its roads. North Carolina DOT reports show that traffic fatalities decreased by almost 11 percent between 2005 and 2006, dropping from 124 to 111. The Department lists potential causes for this improvement as: statewide and local traffic safety initiatives that have increased awareness of traffic safety issues; high visibility enforcement campaigns regarding impaired driving and the use of seat belts; advancements in engineering that have provided higher rates of crash survivability and safer automobiles; improvements in roadway infrastructure engineering. In 2006, 79 percent seat belt use was achieved by North Dakotans. This was not only an all time high but a 3.5 percent incrase from 2005. This improvement can be attributed to traffic safety partners participating in occupant protection programs. Acting as a responsible driver and maintaining the proper North Dakota auto insurance coverage are the two most important factors in protecting yourself and others while on the road. Online quote comparisons are available for those seeking North Dakota auto insurance.