Nevada Auto Insurance
Side by side auto insurance quote comparisons are a valuable tool when seeking Nevada auto insurance coverage.
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We hope that we can assist you in making an informed decision when selecting Nevada auto insurance.
The Nevada Department of Transportation and other state departments strive to create a safe environment for drivers and passengers on the roads of Nevada. In 2003, there were 63,582 traffic accidents in the state. These crashes were responsible for over 31 thousand injuries and 361 deaths. Between 1994 and 2003, the Nevada DOT studied trends in traffic accidents to consider fatality and injury rates, collision types, population, miles driven and other contributing factors. During this time period, rear end collisions accounted for over 36 percent of all accidents, followed by angle collisions, which represented 15.4 percent. The population increased by an amazing 53.7 percent, annual total car crashes increased by 30.3 percent, and fatal crashes increased by 20.9 percent. Traffic accidents in construction zones increased from 1,053 in 1994 to 2,086 in 2003. From 2001 through 2003, the total annual miles driven in Nevada increased by 6 percent, the fatal crash rate increased by 9 percent, and the injury crash rate increased by 4 percent. While Nevada's rates increased, during the same time period, the national rates decreased. The national fatality rate decreased by 0.8 percent and the injury crash rate decreased by 8.1 percent. The trauma that comes with any car accident is bad enough without having to worry about how to pay for medical expenses and property damage. Next to being a safe and responsible driver, the best way to protect yourself and others is to maintain a sufficient amount of Nebraska auto insurance.
Nevada requires every registered vehicle in the state to carry a minimum amount of liability insurance. The state legislature mandates that every vehicle have the following coverage: $15,000 for bodily injury or death of one person per accident, $30,000 for bodily injury or death of two or more people in one accident, and $10,000 for injuries to others and destruction of others' property, per accident. The IVP, Insurance Verification Program, was created by the state as a joint campaign consisting of the Division of Motor Vehicles and state-approved insurance companies. The IVP mandates liability insurance but does not require comprehensive or collision coverage. Protect yourself from legal and financial ramifications by obtaining the necessary Nevada auto insurance coverage. Take advantage of free quote comparisons online to find a suitable insurance policy from a reputable company.