Michigan Auto Insurance


Obtain multiple auto insurance quotes with no obligation to buy. Learn more about insurance laws in the state of Michigan and compare quotes from the leading companies.

When it comes to car insurance rates, there can be a significant amount of variation from company to company, even when the coverage is the same. Getting quotes from several insurers at one time is the best way to find competitive rates.

We hope to help you save time and expense while acquiring auto insurance.

The Michigan auto insurance system has been in effect since 1973 and has been considered a model program that other states have imitated. Michigan operates under a No Fault Law, meaning that your insurance company covers your expenses, and the other driver's insurance company covers them when an accident occurs, without regard for who is at fault. No Fault systems are desirable because victims are compensated quickly and completely without having to waste time trying to determine who was at fault. It is against Michigan law to drive a vehicle without insurance. Protect yourself and others from unexpected financial setbacks that can follow an accident. Compare side-by-side car insurance rates online.

If you have a car, van or truck in Michigan, you'll need to maintain No Fault insurance. The three mandatory aspects of the required coverage are personal injury protection (PIP), property protection (PPI) and residual bodily injury & property damage (BI/PD) liability insurance. PIP pays all necessary medical expenses if you are hurt in a car accident. PPI pays up to $1 million for damage done by your car to other property, such as buildings and fences. BI/PD pays any damages that you are found responsible for in an accident, up to a maximum limit set in the policy. Minimally, you must have $20,000 per person per accident, $40,000 per accident for injury or death of others, and $10,000 for property damage. This coverage is known as 20/40/10. You always have the option to purchase more than the minimum coverage if you want to make sure you are financially protected in the event of a costly accident.

Personal injury protection insurance will cover all reasonable and necessary medical costs, funeral and burial expenses, up to $20 a day for services you cannot perform for yourself, survivors' benefits and replacement services (paid to dependents in the event of death), and a maximum of $4,400 per month for lost wages, for up to three years. Property protection will pay a maximum of $1 million per accident, excluding cars unless they are parked. Property protection coverage does not pay expenses for accidents that occur outside the state of Michigan.

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