Kansas Auto Insurance


Research the top auto insurance companies in Kansas and request auto insurance quotes without any obligation.

Comparing several Kansas auto insurance companies is the best method for finding the coverage you need at a reasonable rate.

This is a complimentary service, designed to help you get auto insurance without the typical confusion and frustration. We hope to make the process run smoothly.

Kansas state officials record and study the specific causes of accidents on their roadways in an effort to increase safety for its motorists. In 2006, there were 65,460 traffic accidents in the state, resulting in 468 deaths and 15,792 persons injured, and 49,241 instances of property damage only. Most of these accidents occurred during daylight hours (62%), in good weather conditions (87%), with dry road surface conditions (85%). Accidents happen even under the best circumstances, even the safest drivers need to protect themselves with Kansas auto insurance. Find out what type of coverage you need and compare side-by-side car insurance rates online.

Any auto insurance policy issued in Kansas must have minimum liability, personal injury protection and uninsured/underinsured coverage. The state of Kansas wants its citizens to be protected on the road and requires that all drivers have sufficient insurance. Kansas has a no fault insurance system in which your insurance company is forced to make payments covering any injury claims, up to a certain limit, without regard for who is at fault. Minimum liability coverage includes $25,000 per person for bodily injury, $50,000 per accident for bodily injury, and $10,000 per accident for property damage. Required personal injury coverage minimums are $4,500 medical expenses per person, $900 lost income per month for one year, $25 for in-home services per day, $2,000 for funeral, burial or cremation expenses, and $4,500 for rehabilitation expenses. Uninsured/Underinsured coverage must pay up to $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident.

The Kansas Insurance Department offers a large number of motor vehicle accident prevention courses. Drivers who choose to enroll in these courses are eligible for the accident prevention course discount from their insurance company. These classes cover driving instruction for law enforcement officers, emergency vehicle operators, driving instructors, motorcycle safety training, highway patrol defensive driving, AARP and more. All authorized Kansas auto insurance companies are mandated to offer this discount. Ask insurance agents what other discounts you may be eligible for, such as two cars on one policy discounts, anti-theft device discounts, accident free record discounts or those offered to student drivers, mature drivers, or carpoolers.

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