Indiana Auto Insurance


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Are you driving uninsured in the state of Indiana? If so, you may be breaking the law. According to some estimates, about 20 percent of drivers throughout Indiana are not properly insured. Don't take this kind of financial risk. Find Indiana auto insurance today with free competitive rate comparisons from authorized insurance providers. As an Indiana driver, you must buy a minimum of 25/50/10 coverage. This means that you need to be insured for at least $25,000 in liability coverage for the bodily injuries of one person, $50,000 in liability coverage for the bodily injuries of more than one person, as well as $10,000 of liability coverage for property damage. Indiana drivers must be able to prove that they will be able to take financial responsibility for injuries or damages resulting from an accident. Typically, and most practically, motorists prove their financial responsibility by carrying the appropriate level of liability insurance. Without such liability insurance, you will be obligated to demonstrate your financial stability by filing a bond or a self-insurance certificate, or establishing a $40,000 cash deposit or securities with the state.

There are a number of scenarios in which you will have to present proof of insurance coverage, don't take a chance getting caught without it. If you are in a car accident in Indiana, the local police will send a report to the state police who will pass it on to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. If your insurance company doesn't provide the Indiana State Police with your policy information, the BMV will ask you to prove your financial responsibility through a certificate of compliance. From the date this certificate of compliance is issued, you will be given 40 days to have your insurance agent complete and submit your certificate to the BMV. It is recommended that you allow sufficient time because the BMV takes about a week to complete the process.

Another situation in which you will have to complete this process is if you are convicted of a traffic offense and any of the following apply: your license was suspended prior to your failure to show evidence of financial responsibility, you have had a moving violation that is a misdemeanor or a felony, or you have had two other moving or traffic offenses in the past year, for which you received points on your license. Driving without the necessary Indiana auto insurance is not worth it. Shop for Indiana car insurance online to find reliable coverage.

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