Illinois Auto Insurance


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If you are driving a vehicle on the roads of Illinois, you must have the appropriate auto insurance. The minimum liability insurance requirements are $20,000 for the injury or death of one person, $40,000 for the injury or death of more than one person, and $15,000 of coverage for damages to another person's property. These mandatory policies apply to cars, trucks, buses, vans, motorcycles, and RVs. In other words, anything that can be driven and has license plates. An exception to this rule would be a trailer, which is not required to carry insurance.

When registering your vehicle in the state of Illinois, you do not necessarily need to show proof of insurance, but you will be asked to sign something to certify that you will be obtaining insurance for your car, or other vehicle. How does the Illinois Division of Motor Vehicles verify that you do, in fact, maintain the proper auto insurance? Illinois has a computerized questionnaire that selects individuals at random for the purpose of insurance verification. If the state's computer program chooses your license plate registration, the Secretary of State's office will send you an insurance verification form. The form will ask whether you had liability coverage on the particular date and will consult your insurance company to make sure this information is accurate. The form is very simple, asking whether you had liability insurance or not, the name of your insurance company, and your policy number. If you fail to submit the form with the requested information, your license plates will be suspended.

Drivers with Illinois auto insurance should always keep their proof of coverage card in the car, where it is easily accessible to satisfy any requests by law enforcement officials. What are the consequences for driving without Illinois auto insurance? The minimum fine for operating a motor vehicle without valid insurance is $500. If you are cited for driving while your registration is suspended for being uninsured, you will be charged a $1,000 fine. Repeat offenders may be punished with a four month suspension and reinstatement fees. Driving uninsured in the state of Illinois is not worth the steep fines and lengthy suspensions. Protect yourself by obtaining at least the minimum coverage necessary. Get side-by-side quote comparisons from the top Illinois auto insurance companies.

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