The Hartford Insurance Group
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Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The Hartford) is a diversified insurance and financial services company. Through its subsidiaries, the Company provides investment products and life and property and casualty insurance to both individual and business customers in the United States and internationally. The Hartford is organized into two major operations: Life and Property and Casualty. Life provides investment and retirement products such as variable and fixed annuities, mutual funds and retirement plan services and other institutional products; individual and corporate owned life insurance, and group benefit products such as group life and group disability insurance. Property and Casualty provides a number of coverages to businesses throughout the United States, including workers' compensation, property, automobile insurance, liability, umbrella, specialty casualty, marine, agriculture, bond, professional liability and directors and officer's liability coverage.
The Hartford's Personal Lines business unit provides automobile, homeowners' and home-based business coverages to the members of AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) through a direct marketing operation; to individuals who prefer local agent involvement through a network of independent agents in the standard personal lines market, and through the Company's Omni Insurance Group, Inc. subsidiary in the non-standard automobile market. Personal Lines also operates a member contact center for health insurance products offered through AARP's Health Care Options. The Hartford's exclusive licensing arrangement with AARP, which was renewed during the fourth quarter of 2001, continues through January 1, 2010 for automobile, homeowners and home-based business. The Health Care Options agreement continues through 2007.