Drive America Auto Club Program
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Drive America is a membership program offering its members 24 hour/7 day a week emergency roadside assistance anywhere in the United States. Its roadside assistance plans include basics such as battery jumpstarts and lockout services, as well as changing flat tires and towing up to $125 per incident in coverage. A Drive America plan also includes an expert opinion hotline, trip planning, and car rental discounts. Drive America strives to provide the most useful services possible that are both affordable and valuable to its clients.
Perhaps the most valuable benefit in the Drive America Auto Club Program is their roadside assistance package. You never know when an emergency might strike while driving, especially if you are in an unfamiliar or isolated area where getting help quickly may not be an option. The Drive America toll-free roadside service number can help provide peace of mind 24 hours a day. The number can dispatch help to wherever you are located. Roadside assistance plans also include jumpstarts, flat tire changes, lockouts, and up to $125 in towing charges.
The Drive America program also provides an expert opinion hotline for easy access to any needed information. This toll-free hotline can refer you to qualified and recommended repair shops near you as well as provide second opinions from an ASE-Certified Master Technician on car repair estimates and costs. Features of the hotline include this repair referral service, repair confirmation from shops, as well as cost confirmation from this esteemed third party.
Drive America also includes emergency "just in case" benefits, which provides a level of protection beyond basic roadside assistance. These stranded driver services will reimburse you up to $1,000 for emergency travel reimbursement for times when you are over 100 miles from home. It also provides for $75 in emergency transportation assistance, ambulance reimbursement, and $5,000 in theft coverage.
The program also provides helpful trip planning services. Drive America can help travelers with easy-to-follow maps and guides, directions, useful phone numbers, travel tips, and points of interest for any type of trip, personal or business. Many member discounts are also available to you and your covered family members.
Written by Sara Smart