Auto Owners Insurance

Auto Owners Insurance Group

Auto Owners Insurance Group is currently serving 25 states from approximately 5 thousand locations. The company provides auto insurance coverage as well as life, homeowners, long-term care and more.

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There's more to Auto-Owners Insurance Group than the name implies. In addition to auto coverage, the company provides personal products such as universal and whole life, homeowners, and long-term care insurance through its predictably named subsidiaries (including Home-Owners Insurance Company and Property-Owners Insurance Company). Auto-Owners Insurance Group also sells commercial auto, liability, and workers' compensation policies. With almost 30,000 independent agents in 5,000 different locations, the company operates in some 25 states nationwide.

Fiscal Year End: December
Revenue (2003): 3514.00 M
Revenue Growth (1 yr): 16.50%
Employees (2003): 3,000

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