Arbella Insurance Group

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Arbella Insurance Group has been providing car insurance for two decades, expanding from Massachusetts to Rhode Island and Connecticut.

Learn more about Arbella and other companies in these states before making a decision on auto insurance coverage.

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Arbella Insurance Group was founded in 1988 as a Massachusetts auto insurance and homeowners insurance company. Consistently adding to their product lines and expanding into Rhode Island and Connecticut, Arbella has become a group of companies committed to delivering highest quality insurance products and services.

Arbella is the third largest writer of private passenger automobile insurance in Massachusetts. Direct premiums written by Arbella Mutual, for this product line were $419.9M in 2003. Arbella also offers private passenger automobile coverage in Connecticut through their affiliate Covenant Insurance Company. Direct written premium for 2003 was $19.6M.

In Massachusetts Arbella also offers multi-peril homeowners and related coverages such as personal umbrella and boat insurance through Arbella Mutual, and affiliate Commonwealth Mutual. Total homeowners direct written premium in Massachusetts was $56.5M in 2003. Covenant Insurance Company provides homeowners protection in Connecticut. Total direct premium for this product was $10.4M.

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