American Commerce Insurance Company

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American Commerce Insurance is a subsidiary of Spanish insurance giant MAPFRE, headquartered in Madrid, Spain. MAPFRE USA is located in Webster, Massachusetts and is a brand of the American Commerce company. The company has achieved a rating of A+ by A.M. Best for financial strength. American Commerce is committed to providing outstanding auto claims service. The company offers many discounts and credits to customers in an effort to reduce premiums. These discounts include defensive driver certification, customer loyalty credit, homeowner benefits, good student discounts, multi-policy, electronic funds transfer, and motorcycle license discounts, as well as many others. American Commerce Insurance boasts 24 hour claims service.

In addition to its wide range of available discounts, American Commerce offers extra benefits to enhance any auto insurance plan. AutoMaster Plus, Peace of Mind Package, New Car Enhanced Coverage Option, and the Towing and Rental Reimbursement Option are all available to allow customers to expand their coverage. AutoMaster Plus provides expanded auto coverage to possessions inside the vehicle that may be damaged in an accident, such as a laptop, cell phone, and child safety seat replacement option, pet injury protection, personal belongings coverage, glass chip payment and death benefits. Peace of Mind offers immediate accident forgiveness, instant deductible credits, and incentives for staying accident free. New Car option allows customers to have a new car replaced with the same make and model in the event of a total loss. Towing and Rental Reimbursement covers expenses of towing charges or repair charges in the event of a claim. American Commerce Insurance has a complete line of auto and specialty vehicle insurance products to meet the needs of nearly any customer. Their comprehensive discount options mean that your premiums will always be affordable, especially if you say accident free.

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