Alliance Mutual Insurance Company

Find Rates from North Carolina Auto Insurance Companies Including Alliance Mutual

Get information about North Carolina car insurance providers like Alliance Mutual to find a company you're comfortable with. Auto insurance quotes can vary quite a bit from one company to another, so make sure you do a little research to find the lowest rate for the coverage you want.

Alliance Mutual is a North Carolina licensed mutual insurance company and has been operating since March 4, 1976.

Alliance Mutual specializes in writing homeowners, farm owners, dwelling fire, personal auto insurance, commercial property and liability

Alliance Mutual has a rating of B++ (Very Good) with AM Best

Personal Insurance Products offered by Alliance Mutual

Personal Auto Insurance

Just about everyone has a car, truck, sport utility or van these days. Our personal auto policy provides liability coverage that protects for accidents you may cause. Coverage for damage to your vehicle may also be available.

Homeowners / Farmowners

A variety of policies are available, providing coverage for the home or family farm owner, on your house, buildings and personal property. Personal liability and medical payments to others injured on your property are also included.

Inland Marine

Inland marine policies can insure your jewelry, computers, cameras and furs and provide broader coverage and may remove limitations other forms contain.

Renters & Condo Owners'

These policies provide protection for your personal property and liability.

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